Chapter 200: Azrael Arrive In The Eternal City

Argon nodded, his determination unwavering. "Yes, System. I believe that by delving deep into the ancestral memories and applying that knowledge diligently, I can make significant strides in my cultivation. While it may take longer than utilizing soul coins, I am willing to invest the time and effort required."

The system acknowledged Argon's decision, its robotic voice conveying a sense of understanding. "Very well, Host. I shall support you in your chosen path. The memories of the Ancestral Dragon shall serve as a valuable resource on your journey towards enlightenment."

With his resolve strengthened, Argon prepared himself for the arduous but rewarding task ahead. He would immerse himself in the memories of his lineage, drawing upon the wisdom of the Ancestral Dragon to deepen his understanding of the law. Through unwavering perseverance and focused study, he aimed to ascend his understanding of law within half a year.
