Chapter 276: Elysia's Group

The demons, now resolved and armed with Cambion's orders, each led their respective battalions towards the human cities. The night sky above was shrouded in ominous clouds, casting an eerie darkness over the landscape. It was a fitting backdrop for the impending clash between the forces of darkness and the mysterious undead.

After hours of relentless march, Elysia and her battalion arrived at the city they were tasked to reclaim. The sight that greeted them was disconcerting. In the distance, they could see that the city was shrouded in an ominous black mist, a veil of darkness that seemed to choke the very life out of it.

As they drew closer, Elysia could make out the details more clearly. The city gate, which should have been a symbol of fortification, was wide open. It yawned like the mouth of a hungry beast, inviting them in with an unsettling sense of foreboding.