Chapter 284: The Approaching Danger (part 1)

As the cultivators from both the Radiant Holy Lands and the Heavenly Sword Sect gathered on the city walls, a palpable tension filled the air. They stood in solemn anticipation, their gazes fixed on the horizon.

After an hour of waiting, those ominous clouds appeared on the distant horizon, slowly advancing towards them like a foreboding harbinger of doom. Elara's voice, low but resolute, cut through the silence. "Here they come."

Her words hung heavy in the air, and a collective shiver ran through the assembled cultivators. The approaching clouds signaled the impending arrival of the undead, a threat that had haunted their world for generations.

The heartbeat of every cultivator seemed to quicken as they watched the clouds draw nearer. Fear, determination, and anticipation mingled in the expressions of those who had gathered to defend their realm.