Chapter 369

While Alix engages the Tornit in a fierce battle, his aura burning intensely, Elara turns her attention to their fallen comrades. With the lifesaver pill in hand, she faces a difficult decision. The pill, their last hope of healing, is not enough to fully restore everyone. She makes the choice to split the pill, giving each of the vice-captains only a half. Though it wouldn't fully heal them, it was enough to save their lives.

As she administers the halves of the lifesaver pill to Zam, Eryx, Nox, Kato, and Jin, she murmurs words of encouragement, "Hang in there, this will help." The pill, even in its reduced dosage, works its magic slowly but surely. The vice-captains' breathing stabilizes, and the color begins to return to their faces. It's not a complete recovery, but it pulls them back from the brink of death.