Chapter 373

As the first light of dawn stretches across the city that encircles the base of the Eternal Tower, the events of the previous night—the obliteration of the Crimson Blade Clan and Whispering Wind Sect by Cambion's hand—have become the talk of the town. The city, usually bustling with the ambitions and conversations of numerous cultivators and sects, today resonates with hushed tones and anxious glances.

In a secluded courtyard of the Twilight Sect, the Sect Master elders for an emergency meeting. The atmosphere is tense, the air thick with unease and the weight of Cambion's actions still heavy on their minds.

Sect Master Tianwei looks around at his gathered elders, each bearing expressions of concern and curiosity. "We have all heard what transpired last night," he begins, his voice steady despite the turmoil churning within him. "The Crimson Blade Clan and Whispering Wind Sect—both as strong as our own—have been reduced to nothing but memories."