Chapter 390

Alix and Dryden conclude their meal, both satisfied with the exotic flavors and the energizing properties of the dishes, specifically tailored for cultivators. The ambient chatter of the restaurant fades into the background as they prepare to depart, their discussion still centered on strategies and insights into the mysterious enemy manipulating the undead.

"Thank you for the meal, Dryden. It was enlightening, both the food and our conversation," Alix says, standing and stretching slightly, feeling refreshed after the culinary adventure.

Dryden nods, his expression one of mutual respect. "It's always productive to discuss matters with someone who understands the stakes. Now, shall we head to your base to continue this discussion with your team?"

"Let's do that," Alix agrees. He reaches into his robe, retrieving a small, intricately carved stone. The Returner Stone is cool to the touch, its surface etched with runes that glow faintly under his fingers.