Chapter 405: The Aftermath

The next morning, the events of the previous night are the talk of the entire cultivation world. In the bustling streets of the Elemental City, groups of cultivators gather, their faces animated with gossip and disbelief.

"Did you hear about the battle in the ghost city on the third floor?" one cultivator asks, his voice filled with excitement.

"Of course! Everyone's talking about it," his companion replies, leaning in closer. "They say it was Elder Xianthe fighting a Special Monster."

Another cultivator, eavesdropping on their conversation, chimes in, "But the most shocking part is that Elder Xianthe and the four teachers of the Radiant Sun Sect died in that battle."

"I know," the second cultivator says, shaking his head in disbelief. "It's hard to believe, but it seems even someone of his caliber couldn't stand against that monster."