Chapter 407: Going Inside The Space Crack (part 1)

A couple of days pass, and Argon spends his time enjoying the town. His appearance as an unimpressive looking young man deters any unwanted attention, allowing him to explore freely. The town's energy is invigorating, with its bustling markets and vibrant streets. Argon finds himself blending in seamlessly, observing the daily lives of its inhabitants.

Today, as he strolls through the busy marketplace, the air buzzes with a new kind of excitement. He overhears snippets of conversation, each one filled with anticipation and joy.

"Did you hear? The town lord finally made the space crack public!" a woman exclaims to her friend, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm.

Her friend nods eagerly, her voice brimming with excitement. "Yes! Everyone's talking about it. I can't wait to see what's inside."

Argon's ears perk up at this. The news spreads quickly, and soon, the entire marketplace is abuzz with chatter about the newly accessible space crack.