Chapter 419: The Boss Finally Died

Even with their trump cards in play, the beast fights back ferociously. Its dark energy surges, striking with renewed intensity. Kuro's golems start to crack under the relentless assault, and Meilin's wind spirits begin to dissipate. The beast, now fighting on more equal ground, matches each of their moves with brutal counterattacks.

Kuro grits his teeth as he commands his golems to shield him from another dark blast. "It's still too strong," he growls. "We need more power."

Meilin dances through the battlefield, her fan a blur of motion. "I don't know how much longer we can keep this up," she admits, her voice strained.

Tian, observing the struggle, nods decisively. "Then it's time for my trump card," he says, his voice firm.

Kuro and Meilin glance at him, hope flickering in their eyes.