The Empress (2)

The Empress looked at the smile that warmed up the duchess's icy countenance. Judging from that, she could tell that the duchess would definitely love her child, even if the baby had the blood of her cheating husband. Her actions did not seem fake.

She lowered her teacup to the saucer, with a troubled sigh escaping her lips, and slightly shook her head, ''I don't understand.''

The other forgotten madams and ladies who wondered about the meaning behind the Empress's previous words to the duchess concentrated on her current words.

They glanced at each other before one of them got the courage to ask. ''What is troubling your majesty?''

The Empress tucked in a loose strand that was a lighter shade of her eye color behind her ear. Her hands settled on her lap, and she looked at that lady with a small smile, ''I don't know. I guess some people are blind.''

At her words, warning bells resounded in all the their heads as those words reminded them of their Empress's not-so-easy behavior.

If the Emperor and the countess knew the Empress as a troublemaker, the noble society, especially the madams, and the ladies knew her as a very difficult person.

Since the previous Emperor's reign, the Empress had the Emperor's love and favor when he was an unfavored prince, which has always been a mystery to them.

Then, no noble wanted to marry the Emperor, even if he was the first empress's son. He was an unfavored prince and rumored to be cursed.

Who would want to send their child to him when he cannot bring benefits to them and suffer with him? No one.

The second Empress brought in a commoner to be his wife. The previous Emperor favored her greatly, so it was easy for her to get her stepson to marry the commoner. It was an insult to him, who was the first empress's son. Nevertheless, he got married with a wedding that fitted an inferior status.

That commoner he married is now the current Empress of the Asterian Empire.

Even after the unfavored prince took his rightful place on the throne, many nobles thought he would discard the Empress as she was someone his enemy had forced upon him.

But no, he did not.

Instead, his rumored words were, 'Larisa is my Empress and the mother of my future children. If I do not want to depose her of her rightful seat, who are you, to tell me to do that?'

With his tyranny actions of destroying the second empress and the second prince's factions, and his usurping of the throne, the nobles had to keep their lips sealed and wait for the right time to bring it up.

Some of them kept their daughters unmarried and hoped the Emperor got tired of the Empress, but the heavens never heard of their plea.

The Empress also exposed little of her true self to those who disrespected her.

Even then, when the Emperor was an unfavored prince, some ladies had experienced a humiliating defeat from the Empress, especially a noble lady who was a highly reputed marquess daughter, but now she is a lowly baron wife.

Her naïve appearance was one thing that surely deceived people.

''Your majesty, have you noticed the new style on duchess Hayes?'' Another lady was quick to bring up another topic to dissipate the uncomfortable atmosphere.

Thanks to her quick thinking, all eyes turned to Isla, who calmly accommodated their curiosity.

She knew this type of thing would happen, as that was one of the main topics at tea parties.

New styles of gowns, trending materials, jewelry, and shoes, apart from gossip and hot news surrounding the empire, these would always be included in tea parties, and to Isla, it was boring.

It was boring to talk about almost the same thing, and it was also boring to keep a permanent smile even when most noble ladies, excluding the Empress and countess Moore, wore fake facades at this tea party.

Despite her high status as grand duke's daughter, and a duchess, she always bore the brunt of their twisted words, stares, and actions.

One of the causes is her dear cheating husband.

Another thing Isla can never deny about him is his great looks. Her husband and the Emperor are rumored to be the most handsome men in the Empire. The Emperor was definitely off limit and she, who took her husband, also took in the hostilities from noble ladies.

The rumors surrounding him did not help things at all, and her dear husband would never know since he does not pay attention to anything that concerns her.

Another cause that Isla suspects is the novel plot. Since she is the mother of the villain, she will suffer indirectly from her son's fate.

''You are right, lady Winslow. Countess, your daughter has sharp eyes. I almost did not notice myself.'' A marchioness with a wrinkled smile gazed at Isla on the opposite side of the table. Her gaze was harsh, like something of her dislike was at her front, and that was Isla.

''Duchess Hayes, Can you tell her imperial majesty more about the new style? It is different from your original styles.''

Isla returned her stare and then glanced around to see the other ladies looking at her with the utmost attention. She also turned her gaze to the Empress, who could not hide her anticipating smile even if the marchioness did something disrespectful to her as the Empress.

'The only reason I will entertain you is because of that proposal in my second life, your imperial majesty.'

With that thought, Isla faced the marchioness again and then opened her lips to speak, ''It is a simple style, marchioness chauvez. My dress does not concern your attention.''

In other words, mind your business.

Every lady including the Empress got the hidden meaning loud and clear. However, it was not strange as the marchioness chauvez had been after duchess Hayes since her marriage. Most think the root of it is the duke.

The marchioness did not expect the meek and calm duchess to refute her words and clenched her overlapped hands on her lap.

Her wrinkled smile still remained on her lips, and she released small peal of laughter. ''I just want to know the designer, duchess. There is no need to be vigilant.''

''It is different from your usual style, which is a surprise. I am sure the duke must have been fascinated.'' She also added, like she was clueless about the rumors about duke Hayes.

'Ha!' Isla inwardly sneered at the taunt thrown her way. Once again, she was insulted because of her husband.

Who doesn't know of her husband's rumored affair in the noble society?

Isla was sure she might have been part of the last nobles to know of it. Maybe Spencer managed to block the news from reaching the Duchy. She doesn't know, but she appreciates his caring efforts even if part of his reasons were for the duke.

'This time, her words are different,' Isla noted in her heart as she continued to gaze at the marchioness.

Her insignificant actions might have changed some things, meaning the future events might be a little different. Even if, nothing would change her mind about her plans for her baby and herself.

''Marchioness Chauvez,'' Isla called out.

The marchioness's gaze was still on Isla as she waited for the latter's remaining words, but nothing came after her name.

She was confused for a moment until the duchess asked, ''Can the marchioness not hear my voice?''

''Yes?'' The turning of the situation seriously confused the marchioness. How did it get to her name?

''I called you, but you did not answer. Your imperial majesty, we might need an imperial doctor to examine the marchioness' ears.'' Isla turned to the Empress with her blank face.

'Are you implying that I am too old and deaf?' Anger filled the marchioness at the blatant disgrace by a younger generation.

''Duchess Hayes, thank you for your concern, but I am alright.'' Marchioness Chauvez's smile still remained, and she did not forget to jab more at Isla, ''But duchess, your words did not indicate what you truly meant.''

''I am a duchess, marchioness, and you are below me, so why should I accommodate you?''

This time, the marchioness could not keep her smile at Isla's words, ''Yes?''

''You also did the same to her majesty. When lady Winslow called out to her majesty, you answered, which is treason and blatant disregard for the imperial family. I am sure his majesty would not like to hear about it, right, your imperial majesty?'' Isla threw the spotlight on Empress, as she was tired of defending herself with words.

It was tiring to waste saliva on insignificant people. She could spend this amount of time talking to her dear son.

'Haha..' The Empress wanted to laugh. How long has she experienced a drama that was worth her time?

Her instincts were not wrong about the duchess.

'You have grown up, Isla. Kaiser would be glad that you can survive in the society.' The Empress removed her gaze from the trembling marchioness and looked at the duchess. Uncertainty flickered in her grinning eyes, 'but....your marriage...It seems I have to intervene.'

''Your imperial majesty, the Empress!'' The marchioness jumped up from her seat like her butt was on fire. Her chair was flung to the ground as she wanted to kneel to defend her honor. She did not expect to be in this situation today.

It was also the first time the spectating audience saw a disheveled marchioness chauvez.

''I am in a good mood today, so please have your seat, marchioness.'' The Empress raised her hand to stop the latter's words with a smile.

The marchioness was relieved to escape the lion's den. A nearby maid adjusted the seat to its original position, and the marchioness sat down while consciously fixing her messy self to her elegant demeanor.

''Thank you, your..'' She did not complete the sentence as her eyes met the Empress's cold eyes. ''However, this is my last warning. Know your place as a marchioness.''

With a forming grudge against the duchess in her heart, the marchioness squeezed out an answer, ''..Yes, your imperial majesty.''

Isla was pleased with the result and looked at the teacup in her front. The maid just poured a liquid from one of the teapots on the table. It was plain water. She was not sure if other ladies noticed, but the Empress's care satisfied her.

Just as she was about to lift the teacup to her lips, a familiar voice made its way to her ear, ''Oh my goodness! I hope I am not too late.''

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