The duke's anger

No welcome.

No asking about her body.

No inquiring about their unborn baby.

Isla expected her husband to ask this question, but somewhere deep in her heart, she still had a tiny expectation for the opposite of his actions.

Now he had to quench that expectation by asking about his lover. He did not see his pregnant wife, but another woman, who is also carrying his child.

Isla has always wondered why she can not get her husband's love. She knew the novel plot might have a hand, but she wonders...why?

Why couldn't he see her?

Why couldn't he see their unborn child?

''So It was true…You and that woman..'' Isla turned away from him to look at her favorite scenery, the flowers preparing to bloom.

As though a bucket of cold water cooled his anger, the duke calmed down and realized his stupid mistake.

Even if he indirectly exposed himself, he wanted an answer from his wife.

''What did you do to Annalise?'' he repeated his question.

When he was about to leave the imperial palace, he heard about the empress' tea party from two noblemen discussing it. They did not know that he was listening to them.

Why didn't his wife tell him about it?

He wondered, as he knew this kind of thing, his wife would surely want him to be aware. Her anticipating gaze was that of a child waiting for compliments from her parents.

But she did not…and he might know why, as the atmosphere at the duchy was becoming different.

His wife, who used to send him off, was nowhere to be found.

The steamy dinner that waited for him at home, even if he had eaten at Annalise's place, was not on the table anymore.

Spencer's talks about the duchess waiting for him at a late hour also ceased.

And his wife, who always bid him goodnight, does not come anymore.

The duke had noticed many things had changed in his home, and that brought slight discomfort to his heart.

''I heard her imperial majesty also invited the duke hayes' mistress to the tea party.''

''What? Her imperial majesty did that? Does she dislike the duchess?''

Not listening to their other words, Duke Hayes concentrated on the first sentence.

'Her imperial majesty also invited Duke Hayes' mistress to the tea party…'

'Annalise,' The angelic face of his lover shone across his eyes, and without wasting time, he went to their small home.

He did not change from the aristocratic outfit to his commoner outfit, as he told the coachman to speed to his and Annalise's home. It resided somewhere in the capital, but not close to any noble residence.

it was obvious that he couldn't think of disguising himself as his mind was on Annalise.

''Annalise!'' The duke burst into their room, and he could see his lover was about to remove her green dress. Something that he bought for their anniversary as part of her gifts.

''Dante..'' Annalise blushed at his burning stare, then avoided it as though she had done something wrong.

Duke Hayes walked in further into the room without removing his stare from her body. His gaze went up and down until it zeroed on the tiny red bruise on her arm.

He lifted her arm and growled out, ''Who did this?''

''Dante, let it go. It's okay.'' Looking at him, Annalise tried to calm his anger, but she fueled it the more.

''Who. did. This?'' The duke Hayes was not hearing any of it and asked again.

''The Empress?''

There was no change in Annalise's expression, and he continued to talk.

''Those noble ladies?''

''Dante..'' Annalise wanted to speak again until he called out another person.

''The duchess?''

Her silence told him everything. He knew Annalise could not lie, and being with her for four years made him study her habits.

Like now, when she lies, her light green eyes shake in fear like a scared rabbit.

''How dare she!'' The duke Hayes dropped her arms and turned away from Annalise. He could not take that his lover, whom he pampers, was injured by his wife, whom he did not love.

''Dante!'' He did not look at Annalise calling out to him, and told the coachman.

''To the duchy.''

Now he was here trying to get the answer from his wife, but she brushed him off by ignoring his presence, and that made him a bit angry.

Isla continued staring at the flowers until her husband's body blocked her sight. She then lifted up her gaze to angry ruby eyes.

Being faced by those empty eyes made the duke angry and uncomfortable.

''I asked you a question, duchess.''

''Duke…You are so heartless,'' Isla said simply. She did not agree or disagree. She just said something out of line.

The duke was a bit stunned by her words, but he got himself back and warned, ''Don't change the topic, and you do not have the right to judge my character.''

''And the mistress does?'' asked Isla.

Dante gave a quick reply without thinking. ''Annalise is not a mistress. She is the love of my life. Don't sully her reputation.''

He hated that word 'mistress' for two reasons. One of them is because that word insults Annalise, and the other is because of his past.

''But a mistress is a third party between a married couple. If she is not that, then what is she? duke. I would love to hear your answer,'' Isla spoke softly. She did not shout like an angry wife or cry like a pained wife. She just talked like her husband was not fighting for his mistress when she was the wife.

Duke Hayes did not know what to say. It was true that he was married and Annalise was his lover, but he just couldn't bear to hear that word.

''Or wife?'' Isla's soft voice came again.

Her blue eyes, devoid of her feelings that used to tell the duke anything, stared into his ruby eyes that shook slightly.

''Don't tell me the duke wants to replace me as the duchess?''

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