The Tea Party (4)

Olivia brought the smaller present to annalise and the noblewomen. After untying the ribbon, she gave the box to annalise, and the latter collected it from her.

Opening the small box, annalise looked at the small glass teapot in a pear shape that contained a red liquid.

''What is this?'' Annalise was lost as there was no card or anything that showed the name of the sender. She then looked up and surveyed each noblewoman. She was sure that everyone present at her tea party signified themselves when Olivia presented their gifts to her.

''Madam, is there something wrong with the gift?'' A noblewoman couldn't help but ask, as everyone could see the creases on annalise's forehead.

''No, just a bit confused,'' Annalise gave a small smile to her before turning to Olivia by her side. ''Did anything else come with this?''

Olivia paused as if she was trying to recall something, and then replied, ''I collected a bigger gift with the one in your hand. She said that her madam was sorry that could not come to the tea party.''

''The letter could be inside the last one on the table, madam.'' She added.

Annalise nodded in understanding. She then instructed, ''Please bring the present, Olivia. Maybe the greeting card is in there.''

Other noblewomen looked at each other in confusion as the mistress said there was nothing wrong, but her actions were not in line with her words.

''Yes, Madam.'' Olivia bowed and went to the table. She untied the ribbon before bringing it over to annalise.

Instead of giving it to the latter as the box was a little heavy, she placed it gently on the ground and crouched down to bring the gift out.

''Is that heavy?'' Some madams murmured as they somehow anticipated what the gift was for the maid to do that.

Even annalise was a little confused, but also in expectancy. She wondered what amazing gift she would receive again.

As everyone's eyes was on Olivia, she bought out a small green pot of plants and placed it on the floor. It was a small bushy tree with simple and petiolate leaves. Each leaf shape was ovate and had an acute tip, but that was not caught the attention of the women. It was the two blooming red flowers. The flowers had five petals and prominent orange-tipped red anthers.


''So pretty and red.''

''Look at the stalk in the middle of the petals.''


''Isn't that right, Viscountess Winsley?''

''.....'' The viscountess did not answer as her eyes were stuck on the red flowers.

'Where have I seen it before?' She pondered deeply.

''S-So what is the connection with this?'' Even Annalise was astonished as she had never seen this kind of red flowers in her life. If she had, she would have given them to Dante instead of her usual roses.

The noblewomen turned their gazes to Olivia, who lifted the pear-shaped teapot with red liquid from the box. Annalise's hand was a little tired as she noticed that the teapot was a bit weighty.

''Maybe the madam used the flower to make tea. Look, the flower and the tea are the same color..''

''You are right, countess.''

''I did not think that far, countess.''

''Then should we try it?''

''But it might be cold.''

''What if the tea is enjoyed best when cold?''

''T-That could be.''

The noblewomen chattered about the mysterious tea and flower. Annalise could see their curiosity and decided to go along. She too, was also curious about this gift.

''Then Olivia..''

''Wait a minute, madam.'' said viscountess Winsley, who cut off annalise's words. She had been quiet since the appearance of the strange flower. Many thought she was amazed, as her love for flowers was great, but the viscountess was not.

She was someone who studied flowers as a hobby, and she absolutely loved them. From medicinal flowers to poisonous flowers, she studied everything she could learn about them. Her instincts were alarmed since the minute she landed her gaze on that red flower.

When the countess brought up tea making, she recollected something that she read in her maidenhood.

''That flower and tea are not good for pregnant women, madam,'' she revealed. ''It looked so familiar in my eyes, and I wanted to remember where I saw it.''

''Thankfully, the countess helped me to remember,'' Viscountess glanced at someone before continuing, ''The tea is medicinal to normal women, men, and ladies. Madam, you are closer to your delivery date, right?''

''Yes, Viscountess,'' Annalise answered honestly. She did not expect the beautiful red flowers to be bad for her pregnancy and was very scared in her heart.

What if something happens to her child? She did not want to imagine at all.

''Then please don't go near the tea or the flowers. I don't know much about them, but I did read from a book that this particular plant must be avoided during pregnancy.''

Without wasting time, Annalise ordered. ''Olivia, quickly throw it away.''

Olivia rapidly did as she was told and was about to near the door, but the marchioness chauvez's words stopped her.

''Wait madam, would you not find out who did this?''

''That person really had wicked intentions.''

Her words made Annalise realize that she did not know about the sender.

''B-But I know you all gave me gifts, and this one does not have a card or anything to tell a name.''

''What of the maid? Your maid said she collected the plant from a maid.'' Viscountess Winsley looked at Olivia, and she replied immediately. ''The maid left quickly. She said her madam was waiting for her.''

Her excuse made the viscountess's face harden. Those flimsy words irritated her.''That was careless of you. Your madam almost lost her child and you let the culprit go away.''

The viscountess hated it when people used flowers for evil things. Their purpose was to provide the world with their scents, rare beauty, and other purposes, not negativity.

''Who could do such a thing?'' She gritted her teeth with a tight hold of her blue fan.

''The viscountess is right. Who could do such a thing?''

''Such evil intentions!''

''I wonder...''

''Y-You don't think the duchess...'' One noblewoman wanted to talk, but another stopped her instantly. ''Keep quiet!''

Even if the lady shut her mouth in anxiety, everyone heard her unfinished sentence loud and clear. Her words were also very accurate.

The only person who would benefit from the mistress losing her baby is actually the first wife of the duke, duchess hayes.

It was so simple that no one needed to guess at all.

>>>Little announcement, dear readers; this story will be going premium soon. Just wanted to inform you guys before some days you start to see locked chapters. As always, Vote Vote Vote, dear readers.<<<