Confrontation (2)

Dante looked at this woman who had never left his thoughts even after his marriage to annalise.

Just like before in the garden, her presence always enchants him. Her silver-white hair, her oceanic blue eyes, and her body, which seems fuller and more curvaceous, probably because of her pregnancy.

Dante had admitted and will always admit it. His wife was truly a beautiful woman…just not the woman for him, as his heart has one already.

''Amelia, leave us.'' He slightly flinched at her aloof voice that he had never gotten used to hearing from her yet.

His red eyes went to the maid that walked out from behind the chair. He absolutely did not notice her presence at all.

Amelia did not even bother to greet the duke as he truly came, just like her lady's words. He wants to accuse her lady of something that she did not do?!

Never! Not on her watch!

Amelia harrumphed silently as she closed the door gently compared to the boiling anger in her heart for the duke.