The Difficult Empress (1)

Golden eyes flickered with a hint of warmth and the only person capable of doing that is none other than the empress.

A person that Dante was very uncomfortable with. Even the emperor was easier to deal with than her.

Her eyes that look so child-like and naïve were truly able to see through others. It is also thanks to her appearance that no one knows about her true thoughts. Apart from that, her words are blunt, sharp and very harsh. The Empress is someone who doesn't like to twist words. She says the truth to one's face whether it is embarrassing or painful to hear.

''I say, Duke Hayes is becoming more unruly. You even dare to shout at the emperor because he warned you about that mistress,'' The young crown prince slept on the Empress's shoulder while her hand rested gently on his soft black hair. She walked gracefully with her light purple gown sweeping the floor until she got to the duke.