Escaping from the hayes duchy (1)

After Dante's little secret meeting with his son, silence engulfed the whole duchy as many slept soundly with different thoughts in their hearts.

On the masters' floor in the duchess' bedroom, a pair of eyelids slightly pursed together before fluttering open with a glazed, misty look. Those eyes gazed at the polished ceiling, until the glazed and misty-eyed look gradually disappeared before the familiar blankness took over.

''A dream..'' A soft mutter was heard as the body slowly rose up into a sitting position on the bed.

''Hmm..'' Isla groaned quietly as she did not expect sudden pains on every part of her body, especially her lower region.The feeling was as if a truck had run over her body. She only rose up and this is what she felt. What will then happen when she wants to escape? She could imagine the throbbing aches she would experience during her long journey.