The people of the barony (2)

The interior of the baron residence was simple, neat and plain. There were no maids or male servants lurking around the hallways which got Isla thinking if there were other people apart from Lance and Madam Edith.

''Lady Isla?'' A tiny voice alerted her, and she turned around to see a little boy peeping behind the wall. For a child to be near her room, meant that he was related to someone in the residence.

''Hello dear,'' Isla smiled softly. Perhaps after childbirth, her innate motherly aura shone and the child that was vigilant, subconsciously relaxed and came out of his hiding place. He carefully walked to Isla and nervously fumbled with his fingers when he stood in front of her.

''Grandmother said I should guide you to the dining room.'' His childish voice rang in the quiet hallways.

Grandmother? Isla wondered until it dawned on her that this child might be madam Edith's grandchild.