The voices in his head

''Asta village…This is the result of your investigation. Am I right, Leo?" Dante rose his gaze from the reports in his hand to the man in armor at his front.

''Yes, your grace.'' replied Leo.

''Hmm..'' Dante hummed, and then relaxed his back on the chair with the paper on the table and his gaze on the navy blue ceiling.

If he was not mistaken, Asta village was definitely the village of the empress and her personal knight, kaiser. This discovery made a possibility for his wife and their son to be hiding there.

''So you were right under my nose, Isla.''

Dante's murmurs made Leo say his opinion. ''Your grace, I am not sure if her grace and the young master is in—''

''I did not ask for your words, Leo.'' Dante sharply cut him off without looking at him. He did not need someone to tell him that his wife and child were not in that village, when it was very possible that their location might be there.