Another Twist of Fate (1)

Oblivious to the war brewing under their noses, the Asterian empire remained peaceful as it could ever be in the cold season. The commoners were trying to keep themselves warm with whatever they had and the nobles, as always, were preparing for their various gatherings. The most popular gathering was the one of the imperial palace.

It was an imperial tradition for the crown prince to choose any of his agemates that is a son of a nobleman to be a playmates of his choice. Every noble family with their sons and daughters were particularly targeting this certain event. This could be a chance for their family to be very close and be in-laws with the imperial family.

Since it was a very significant event, the same banquet hall that was used for the empress's birthday banquet was used in accommodating the guests. The only minor difference was the amount of tables and chairs. 

''I wonder if the duchess will come..''

''She will have to come because the heir..''