The Start of a Friendship (4)


Was this an interrogation from the empress since she and Kaiser were on a path of starting a romantic relationship? Isla wondered, noticing the grim atmosphere that was now between them.

''The actual reason I helped you to escape the duchy was because of Kaiser. As his sister, I really appreciate what you did for my brother when things were not working for us during that time.'' The empress showed a smile, different from the one she had shown previously. Isla could feel the sincerity behind her small smile. However, it didn't take long before the empress wiped the smile off her and continued her words more seriously than before.

''I was aware of Kaiser's feelings for you, and I want to know if you aren't just pitying my brother, because that would be an insult to him, and I don't want that.''

''…..'' The empress's words made Isla fall into quick thoughts. Was she pitying him? No, Isla knew what liking someone felt like.