The Letter

*knock* *knock*

''Speak.'' Dante said, his eyes shifting towards the carriage door.

''Your grace, I think...there is a problem.'' The hesitant voice from the coachman came from the other side of the carriage.

''A problem?'' Dante briefly looked in his Isla's direction. Returning his gaze back to the carriage, he asked further. ''What is it?''

''Your grace...the knights stationed at the gate....they are on the ground....not moving.''

''What?'' Hearing those words that seemed absurd, Dante furrowed his eyebrows. His knights are lying on the ground? On duty?

''What do you mean?'' This time, Dante's expression was serious more than ever. 

''They appeared to be sleeping, your grace. Pardon this servant, but I think it's better for your grace to take a look.''

''...'' For a moment, Dante contemplated on the words from the coachman before looking in Isla's direction.