His Indifference Shattered Her Heart


The lights inside the private ward were dim. The laptop screen reflected its gleam on Asher's facial features, casting a glow on his face.

The man's piercing gaze fell on Liliana's bewildered one. Her throat was so dry but she didn't utter a single word of discomfort. She kept her eyes on Asher who also did the same.

What happened earlier rushed into Liliana's mind. She remembered every scene that occurred.

The stranger who helped her from falling off the windows, the surprising appearance of her husband, the vicious accusations that came from him and...

The despair shattered her heart, followed by the excruciating pain in her lower limbs.

Asher broke their connected gazes when he moved to put the laptop away. He reached out for a remote control before switching on the lights.

In an instant, the darkness was chased away.

Liliana shut her eyes in an instinct, pierced by the lights. She rubbed them a few times.

Next to the bed, Asher was sitting there with his back straight. His dark obsidian eyes carefully traveled on his wife who was still lying on the bed.

"The doctor said you need more rest."

Liliana blinked. She silently listened to the words that flowed from her husband's mouth. Her eyes ran to the ceiling instead of Asher's face.

As usual, Asher's tone was flat. He didn't show any concern or intrigue toward the sick Liliana. It was as if his wife's miscarriage meant nothing to him.

Liliana coughed softly. She could no longer stand how dry her throat was. Without replying anything to Asher, she slowly pushed her body up.

Gritting her teeth to avoid any cry spilling out of her mouth, Liliana turned her back to Asher.

The water thermos was put on the other side of the bed. She just needed to scoot to the edge of the bed to get to the bedside table.

Asher frowned as he watched Liliana's back. Seeing how slowly she moved rising a sense of dissatisfaction in him. He stood up and round the bed until he reached the table.

Liliana was caught off guard once she realized Asher was already standing in front of her. He took the thermos and the mug from her hands before pouring the water inside.

"You don't know to ask for help?"

The curtly-said words stung Liliana.

Scrunching her brows, she irritably slapped Asher's right hand from trying to hold the mug. Disregarding the faint surprise in his eyes, she quenched her thirst with the warm water.

Liliana felt so ironic when her eyes caught the wedding ring on Asher's left hand. He always wore it, the same as her but, obviously, they didn't share the same feeling.

Right now, her wedding ring was stored inside the bedside drawer. She stopped wearing it after being taken off during the time the medical team gave her the emergency treatment.

Asher was displeased by how Liliana reacted but, he just swallowed it down. His mind was inevitably drawn to what his assistant Caleb mentioned before.

"President, you have to remember that Young Madam is in a fragile state. Her physical pain is nothing compared to how she feels inside. Please, try to be gentler with her."

Caleb kept saying the same thing to Asher during their phone call. Asher was annoyed because his chief assistant sounded so worried about his wife yet, he knew the younger man was telling the truth.

It was just... he didn't know which way should he treat her.

Liliana put down the mug after finishing the water. Tilting up her chin, she finally collided her eyes onto her husband's.

Asher remained standing there with an impassive look. He always gave off the vibe of an impenetrable fortress., something that Liliana used to admire before.

But, not anymore.

Liliana glanced at the wall clock. It was showing a quarter to eight.

How long had she passed out? Three hours? Or four?

At this time, Asher would usually still be busy with his tasks either at the office or outside of the company. Liliana could count the times he returned early and had dinner with her with just one hand.

Liliana parted her lips. She finally spoke.

"Isn't every minute of your time precious? How come the president is still here?"

The sweet smile that usually graced her features was nowhere to be seen. Even the tone she used right now was flat and sounded distant.

Asher squinted his eyes. He peered into Liliana's murky gaze.

There was something different about her. But... what was it?

"You got mad because I was late? I had a delegation to entertain."

Asher's justification pricked Liliana's heart. She had to grasp her pants to avoid trembling too much.

Liliana was not afraid of Asher's overbearing stance. Instead, she was getting upset because of how lightly he treated this situation.

The fondness that Liliana held for Asher was swallowed by the silent rage building within her body.

She had so many things to lash out at him, to vent the resentment that almost ate her soul, but...

At this time, she simply wished for him not to appear in front of her.

Liliana averted her gaze from Asher's probing one. More energy was drained out of her the longer she had to put up the calm facade.

"Then... keep yourself busy as always."

Asher was stupefied. His initial annoyance changed into fury. Despite knowing his wife was in a weak state, he couldn't stand to see how detached she was right now.


"What the hell are you doing here?!"

The shout that came from the door startled both Liliana and Asher. They abruptly looked in that direction.

An angry Nancy was standing there with both hands on her hip. Her blazing gaze was shot toward Asher.

"Miss Wu," Asher ignored the obvious wrath exposed by Nancy toward him, "I see that you're here."

Nancy strode quickly to the bed. She stood in front of Asher, shielding Liliana behind her.

"Of course, I am! Lili needs moral support. I'm not like someone who only sends his assistant here as if it's not his wife who's sick right now."

Asher silently gritted his teeth. He had always known this friend of Liliana outrightly detested him.

Ignoring Nancy, Asher stared again at Liliana. His tall height allowed him to see her even though Nancy tried to keep her away from him.

"You haven't eaten. Someone will send you food. I'll go now."

Asher's indifference irked Nancy.

"Go! Just go! Lili doesn't need your fake concern!"

Asher continued paying no regard to Nancy's outburst. He gave Liliana a look before he left the ward with the laptop. She kept her head down, not even peeking at him.

Women... How troublesome.

Nancy slammed the door shut once Asher walked out of the ward. She hurried back to Liliana.

"Lili! Are you alright? What did he..."

Liliana pulled Nancy to her. She buried her face in her friend's chest. The tears that she held back when Asher was there began to drip down her cheeks.

"Nancy... I'm stupid, right? Even right now... he doesn't care about me."

Liliana's woeful sorrow stung Nancy's heart. She tightly embraced her grieving friend.

"...Lili, you're precious. Please... I really hope you won't... cry like this again for that scum."

Liliana didn't reply. Her heart-wrenching cries echoed in the ward.