Granting The Promised Wish

Liliana anticipated Nadia's arrival. She hadn't seen her friend since last month. Nadia was busy going from one place to the next to get good inspiration and materials for her webtoon.

But, before she came, another guest surprised Liliana with her appearance. She almost couldn't believe her eyes when she saw the familiar figure standing at the doorframe.


"Lili! My dear child!"

An elderly woman strode toward Liliana who was sitting on the bed. Her skinny bones didn't hinder her from walking fast to get to the young woman. Her anxious expression was crystal clear.

Liliana slid out of the bed, also rushing to the old woman. Another elderly lady followed from behind.

"Why do you run? Just stay on the bed!" nagged the first old lady once she got to hold Liliana.

"I'm fine... Grandma, you're here."

The familiar touch stung Liliana's nose. A layer of tears glazed over her eyes. Her hands tremblingly touched the old lady's shoulders.

The first elderly woman was Old Madam Shen, Asher's grandmother who doted on her. Her name was Sophia, hailing from the prestigious Qin family from the south of the country.

Liliana didn't expect to see Old Madam Shen so soon. The last time they spoke on the phone was on the second day she was hospitalized.

At that time, Liliana forced herself not to sound too weak. She didn't want to arise any suspicions and thus worry the caring grandma.

"Silly, child! Why did you hide it from me?" Old Madam Shen cried out in frustration.

Before the two of them burst into tears, the second elderly woman gently reminded them of something.

"Old Madam and Young Madam, why don't you have a seat before continuing to talk?"

The words stunned both Liliana and Old Madam Shen. Glancing at the old lady in a navy blue winter coat, they smiled sheepishly.

This old lady was Madam Ma whose real name was Samantha Qin. She was a distant relative of Old Madam Shen. After following her to the capital, Madam Ma married into the Ma family.

Even though the two ladies were almost close in age, Madam Ma came from a generation below Old Madam Shen. Liliana addressed her as Aunt Ma.

Despite her old age, Madam Ma continued to be by Old Madam Shen's side. Especially after the death of her husband a decade ago.

Liliana and Old Madam Shen moved to the couch. Nancy was not inside the ward. She needed to run some errands at the nearby business district.

Old Madam Shen didn't let go of Liliana's hands. Her eyes reddened seeing how pale the young lady was. The dispirited look in Liliana's gaze also disheartened the old grandmother.

"You really... why did you not tell me? I even scolded everyone for hiding it from me!"

"Grandma, I'm sorry," Liliana forced herself to smile, tears began to rim in her eyes, "I don't want to make you worry. Weren't you abroad to visit your sick friend? I know you'd come running back if I told you."

While the two ladies were on verge of tears, Madam Ma was still calm. She went to prepare a pot of tea from what she found in the small pantry of the private ward.

The earthy scent of the tea wafted in the air once she poured the clear reddish liquid into the teacups.

"Young Madam is a good granddaughter. She certainly didn't want to worry you, Old Madam," spoke Madam Ma, siding with Liliana.

Old Madam Shen scoffed. The fury that she tried hard to control almost explode.

"Even if you don't want me to worry... I'm still mad at Asher and everyone! I heard everything! No one paid you a visit. Not even from the Xins! They didn't send anyone to take care of you too!"

Liliana clamped her mouth shut, just listening to Old Madam Shen berating her husband and the rest of the Shen and Xin families.

If this was before, Liliana would calm Old Madam Shen and say anything to defend Asher and the others. But, right now, she didn't want to do it.

Why did she have to do that when they never thought of her well-being? Hadn't she played herself for a fool enough?

"Grandma," Liliana gently squeezed Old Madam Shen's hands, feeling calloused formed on the elderly's limbs.

" just got pregnant! The first trimester is too delicate for us women. Even Asher! He's still busy with work at this time? I heard he only came to visit you last night."

"Grandma, it has happened."

Old Madam Shen lost the energy to vent out. Shaking her head in helplessness, there was a flicker of shame in her old eyes.

All this time, Old Madam Shen knew how distant her treasured grandson was from his own wife. No matter how many times she nagged at him or gave advice, Asher remained as stoic as an unmoving mountain.

Only Madam Ma, her close confidant understood how much Old Madam Shen was worrying about the husband and wife's situation.

"If only... my grandson treats you better, Lili."

Liliana swallowed the bitterness that formed a lump in her throat. The deep sorrow that marred her heart was reflected in her eyes.

Until now, only Old Madam Shen earnestly cared for her even though Liliana couldn't tell what made her treasure her lowly being so much. The elderly's sincere concern made Liliana feel both sad and grateful at the same time.

"Young Madam, please take care of your mind and body."

Madam Ma's voice was hoarse. She was also affected by what Liliana had to go through right now.

Like Old Madam Shen, she also cared for Liliana.

Even though the people of high society objected to Asher and Liliana's union, Madam Ma believed in Old Madam Shen's vision. There was something about the young lady that attracted their elderly eyes.

With the passing of time, their fondness for Liliana continued to grow. They also kept encouraging her to thaw Asher's frosty-cold heart.

But, from the look of it... the relationship between the husband and wife suffered a tremendous blow.

Liliana bit her lower lip. She was quietly thinking if she should take this chance to get what her heart yearned for now.

The bud had long remained dormant within her. It only sprouted after the loss of her child.

Without looking at Old Madam Shen, Liliana's shaky voice echoed in the small distance between them.

"Grandma... do you remember what you told me before? On my wedding day? You said I can have a wish fulfilled by you... without fail."

Old Madam Shen recalled her memory, "Yes, I remember that."

It was a promise made by Old Madam Shen because she believed Liliana had to put up with her request to marry Asher. The promise was chanted in front of Madam Ma who acted as the witness.

"I want to make use of that wish now."

Liliana slowly lifted up her face, colliding her gaze onto Old Madam Shen's.

The firm look in her eyes stunned both Old Madam Shen and Madam Ma. Suddenly, they had a bad feeling about this.

"Lili... what do you wish for?"

Old Madam Shen felt her heart start beating erratically.

She had seen most of the world in more than seven decades of her life. Right now, she could guess that whatever Liliana wished for from her would bring a drastic change for all of them.

A drop of tear slid down Liliana's face but, her gaze was steady.

"I want to divorce Asher."

It was time for her to get rid of him from her heart and life.