The Disappointment Kept Piling Up



Ever since the night Lucas saw Daphne being intimate with the unknown man, he stopped going to the apartment. It was obvious that even if he wanted to have a talk with her, it wouldn't end well.

A sense of anger took over his sorrowful heart. Lucas kept thinking that Daphne might have been seeing that man behind his back before. Only now did she dare to show him in the open.

'No... stop, just stop thinking about it.'

Lucas was actually conflicted with himself.

On one side, he was exhausted and just wanted to leave everything behind. On another, he thought that he deserved an explanation from Daphne.

Despite the cold treatment she had given him way before the sudden breakup, Lucas still felt like he was left hanging by her.

What should he really do now?

Because New Year was closely approaching, the school was on winter break. Lucas kept working at MoodSpresso; delivering orders to the nearby area or tending to the customers when they were short-staffed.

During the time Lucas was not working, he tried to take up as many chores as he could at home. Not only he felt responsible for giving his mother an easy time, but he also wanted to avoid hearing his father's sarcasm.

On December 24th, Kevin came home, looking so spirited for the Christmas and New Year's celebrations.

Winter break had begun for the students in the university. Amanda also had returned to her hometown. She hailed from another province in the west. The break ended on January 7th.

Lucas' shift finished early on that day. He was able to join their family dinner. Fortunately, he didn't need to stay until late on Christmas Eve. But, he was needed all time tomorrow on the 25th.

Despite being Christmas Eve, their family just treated it as a normal day. When they were halfway eating, Kevin suddenly brought up a topic. He even dragged Lucas into it.

"Big Brother, let's go to the mall tomorrow. I wanna buy Amanda a New Year's gift. She's been eyeing a bag from her favorite brand."

Lucas frowned in an instant. Looking up from his rice bowl, he stared at Kevin's expectant face. Their parents were still enjoying the food.

"I'm working tomorrow," replied Lucas quietly, swallowing what he really wanted to say, "Can't you go alone? I might return late."

"Oh, come on! You're still working tomorrow? It's Christmas!"

Kevin's face changed immediately. He looked disappointed to be turned down.

Linda and Richard moved their eyes to the two brothers, listening to what they had been talking about. Three pairs of eyes were looking at Lucas.

"We're short-staffed. I can't leave my colleagues just like that."

"They can still work together," Linda was displeased. She put down the chopsticks on the small wooden rest, "It's rare for you two to go out. Can't you make some time for Kevin?"

"Mother, I can't," Lucas shook his head, "It's too sudden. We're already busy right now."

Richard clicked his tongue, "Even that kind of job can make you so busy? It's not like they give you much money. I can't imagine how you are when you get a proper one."

Lucas could only smile stiffly seeing the judgmental stares from his parents and younger brother. His appetite diminished even though he was so hungry right now.

"Kevin, I really can't. Didn't you not have enough money to support yourself in the uni this semester? Why spend it on a branded bag? A uni student like Amanda will understand even if you get her a cheap one."

In the end, Lucas pointed out what he restrained himself from earlier. His tone was weary.

"How could you say that, Big Brother?" Kevin scrunched his brows. He looked offended, "Why? Just because you give me a measly sum of money? I just want to make my girlfriend happy for New Year. Can't I?"

Linda chimed in, obviously couldn't accept what Lucas had said to Kevin, her golden child.

"That's rude, Lucas. You can't just turn your brother down without saying something like that! Why? Do you feel superior because he needs your help?"

Lucas admitted defeat. He didn't answer his younger brother or his mother. It was better to just keep his silence when both of them were against him.

At the head of the table, Richard's face turned darker. His sharp gaze pierced into his eldest son. He clenched his jaw before spitting out hurtful words.

"Lucas, want us to kick you out? You're the one who needs help right now. Stop rebelling. Apologize to your mother and brother!"

Lucas was irked by the statement coming from his father. His blood started to boil after his attempt to calm his own disappointment down.

Looking straight into his father's infuriated glare, Lucas slowly enunciated, "I have my work ethic too. My colleagues need me tomorrow. Unfortunately, I can't go with Kevin."

Richard gritted his teeth. Somehow, he felt challenged when his eldest son answered him with such lengthy words. The wooden chopsticks almost bent in his tight grip.

"Suit yourself! I can't even have dinner in peace!"

Richard slammed the chopsticks down. He pushed the chair out before leaving the dining room.

"Dear! Don't just go like that! Finish your food!"

Linda was panicked, calling for her husband back but, Richard already left for his study room. The sound of his heavy footsteps disappeared behind the door.

With how things unfolded at the dining table, Linda directed her anger to Lucas.

"Geez! Why must you ruin our dinner? Your father hasn't eaten with us in weeks! Can't you just follow along with what we told you about?"

Lucas didn't give Linda any response. Doing so might worsen the already strained situation.

Kevin was also quiet. His initial dissatisfaction changed into guilt at the sight of his elder brother's sunken expression. The younger man slumped his shoulders, trying to shrink his existence there.

"Urgh! Be more helpful if you want to stay here!"

Linda also got up from her seat. She went running to Richard's study room, intending to placate his sour mood.

The two brothers were left alone in the dining room. The air around them was tense.

Without saying anything, Lucas slowly gathered the dishes. He felt bad for ruining the situation but, he couldn't just swallow the mistreatment.

"Err... Big Brother, I'm sorry..."

Kevin's voice was as quiet as a mosquito. His conscience was pricked as he realized that he was indeed acting childish while his elder brother just giving a solid reason.

"It's fine," answered Lucas without looking at Kevin, "Finish your meal. I'll wash Mother and Father's dishes first."


That night was not the worst for Lucas.

The biggest ordeal one appeared in front of him on the next day.