Acting As The Savior For The Third Time


Lucas was determined to quit his job at MoodSpresso and stayed at Michael's place for the time being. He had yet to inform his parents about his decision. Not because he forgot but, because he was certain that they wouldn't even care.

As how Michael mentioned to him before, he had to start living for himself.

Today was January 4th, the day Lucas planned to meet Liliana. The lady suggested they met at Palm Leaf Square, one of the largest shopping malls in the capital city.

Lucas just agreed because the mall was just thirty minutes away from his home. The promised time was ten in the morning. He got out as early as eight thirty, trying to get away from the suffocating atmosphere at home.

'Am I making the best decision?'

Lucas' mind repeated the same question. He spent his time walking around the nearby park next to the mall. The winter air almost froze him but, Lucas kept himself active by walking and jogging around the park.

Lucas thought back to when he visited Liliana in the hospital. From the graceful air that exuded from her despite being weakened by her injuries to the private ward she was admitted to, Lucas knew she was not an ordinary woman.

'It's a cowardly thing to do but... I should try asking no matter what.'

Even though it was apparent that Liliana might not be living her best life, Lucas was intrigued if he could ask for some help from her. His intention was not asking money but to inquire if she possessed certain connections.

It was an illogical thing to do but, Lucas could care less now. He would rather request assistance from a complete stranger than from his close friends. Lucas blamed the stupid pride of his.

"Alright... time to go."

Lucas looked at his wristwatch, the time was showing a quarter to eleven. He jogged to the mall, going against the howling winter breeze.

"How nice!"

Lucas exclaimed in delight once he got inside the mall. The central heating blew hot air all over the three-story building. Bright and colorful New Year decorations adorned the entire place, adding to the festivity spirits.

Lucas checked the last text exchange between him and Liliana yesterday. The young lady told him that she would be waiting at a restaurant on the first floor.

"...Julie & Z's Cuisine Vault."

It was a well-known name among F&B workers like Lucas. The restaurant was established by an interracial couple five years ago, serving fusion food to diners. Every dishes were exceptionally delicious at an affordable price.

An awkward smile was plastered on Lucas' face. It was an irony he was meeting Liliana at the restaurant that Daphne rejected before.

A few months ago, Lucas planned to treat Daphne to a good meal for their anniversary. Even though the restaurant ambiance was good, she immediately refused the suggestion, saying this place was too cheap for such an anniversary.

In the end, Lucas forked up more money to bring Daphne to a renowned rooftop restaurant in the capital.

To make her happier, he didn't mind only eating cheap bread and instant noodles for the rest of the month but, Lucas had to admit that he was a bit upset with Daphne's inconsideration.

"It's fine... we're on different wavelengths now... better to break up," murmured Lucas to himself.

Lucas had come to terms with the breakup. He was indeed sad and it was hard for him to accept it but, this might be for the best.

If their problem only reached the breaking point when they were already married, the following consequences would be direr.

He was not the man for Daphne. Like how she was too good for him.

Lucas scolded himself for thinking of the painful memory.

Soon, Lucas arrived at the restaurant. Julie & Z's Cuisine Vaults was spelled out boldly in color red against a yellow background.

At ten o'clock, only less than five tables were occupied by the patrons having breakfast. All of them were seated far from each other.

"Where is she..."

Lucas stepped inside the restaurant. Stretching his neck and looking around, he tried finding Liliana. Because they had met before, he perfectly remembered her face.

"Oh, that's her..?"

Lucas saw Liliana sitting at a table next to the floor-to-ceiling windows. She was dressed in a pastel yellow sweater paired with a calf-length beige pleated skirt. Her long dark hair was let loose, cascading behind her back.

Because Liliana was looking out the window, she didn't notice how two men were eyeing her. Mischief was written on their expressions.

"Shouldn't we try talking to her?" One of the men smiled sinisterly at his friend.

"She's rich. Look at her bag, worth tens of thousands. My sister spent five months of her salary just to buy one."

"Damn! Let's go now."

Before Lucas could react, the two men already left their table, heading to Liliana. He could see her face change when the men started talking to her. Lucas immediately walked closer.

"...we can be good companions to a beauty like you."

"...have a meal together. Then, we can go shopping if you want that."

Lucas rolled his eyes, thinking why couldn't these two men come out with more brilliant suggestions? Their actions were not gentlemanly at all.

"I'm waiting for someone," Liliana answered, her face showing her clear dislike, "Leave me alone."

"Oh, come on. Just ditch your date," The second man placed a hand on the dining table, "We can double the fun."

"Yes, ah. Young miss, you won't..."

Lucas ran. With a force, he pushed the second man away from the table. Shielding Liliana behind, he stared down at the two men who were slightly shorter than him.

"Excuse me, I'm her date."

Lucas couldn't see the shock on Liliana's face. It took her a moment before she registered who was he.

The two men were obviously irritated with Lucas' interference. Without giving a care to the commotion caused by themselves, they glared at Lucas.

"Who are you, pretty boy? You're not manly enough for her," spat the first man.

"Move away. You're only qualified to be a boy toy," scoffed the second man, "Leave the lady alone."

Lucas restrained himself from rolling his eyes again. He had faced this kind of situation several times before at the cafe.

Some male patrons were too eager to push themselves over the frightened female ones. He and the others had to step in in order to break the uncomfortable incidents.

Lucas crossed his arms over his chest. He purposefully lifted up his chin, trying to intimidate the two men with his tall stature.

With widened eyes, he exclaimed, "So what? I'm indeed her boy toy. Can't you see I'm way more handsome than you two combined? Scram now!"

The men's jaws almost fell rolling to the floor, dumbfounded.

Still sitting in her seat, Liliana nearly snorted hearing Lucas' words. Her lips curled up into a smile for the first time today.