Nothing For Her To Lose Now


It was a brand new morning in Ventura Suites. Bright sunlight shone through the bleak winter sky, outpouring its lights into the penthouse.

Sitting in front of the vanity mirror, Liliana carefully inspected her facial features. She couldn't sleep well last night for various reasons. Fortunately, her face didn't show that much exhaustion.

"Should I get a haircut?" murmured Liliana while playing with her dark locks.

Whenever she visited the hair salon, Liliana would only have her ends trimmed as well as a bit of styling. She rarely dyed her black hair into another color. Her tresses cascaded behind her back, reaching her tailbone.

Liliana reached out for the phone. She read the previous chat exchanges with Lucas. The last text was sent early this morning.

[Liliana: I've wired the money. Thank you again, Mr. Liu]

[Liliana: I have plans this noon. If possible, can we meet around 3? Should I go to your cafe?]

[Mr. Liu: Received. Just helping, part of my tasks]