In A Desperate Need Of Help

Liliana calmed Harris down before asking him to tell her everything he knew. Because the young teen was so freaked out, Liliana had to drag him to the sanatorium cafeteria.

Shielded from the cold weather and accompanied by a cup of hot tea, Harris finally managed to relax even for a bit. They sat at a table in a corner of the cafeteria, away from most people.

"Can you tell me now?" Liliana's eyebrows almost merged together. Despite trying to soothe her voice from sounding panicky, concern was still apparent from her short question.

Harris gulped. He put both hands around the teacup, warming his freezing palms with the heat. His eyes darted from Liliana's face to the clear reddish-brown surface of the tea.

"Miss Xin... my mom... the shop got trashed by those scums again. They... this time they beat my mom up. She..."

"Is your mom in the hospital now?" Liliana's voice raised into an octave, shocked by the revelation.