I Think You've Grown More Cunning

Accompanied by Lucas, Liliana went to Su Law Group shortly before noon.

Attorney Su was already waiting for them. Fortunately, he was able to free up his schedule today to accommodate Liliana's sudden request to meet.

This morning, Liliana had already sent a text to Attorney Su. She shared the little details she knew about Charlie Dai while asking whether Su Law Group could check if there was any buried news about the man or not.

"Good afternoon, First Young Miss Xin and Mr. Liu," Attorney Su welcomed both of them with a smile, "Seems like we'll only meet when you're having trouble, en?"

Liliana chuckled hearing Attorney Su teasing her. She playfully replied, "Isn't this such a good and meaningful meeting?"

Attorney Su helplessly shook his head. He gestured at the couch, welcoming Liliana and Lucas to sit down. A secretary came to deliver them drinks and snacks.