Was There Any Hidden Intention Behind Her Curiosity?

That day, Liliana returned home earlier than usual. She left the cafe to be overseen by Nancy and Jeffrey until the closing time. She arrived at Spring Garden Apartment at a little over five.

The summer heat prompted Liliana to change into a cotton slip dress. She put up her hair into a messy bun, a few strands dangling on the right side of her face.

Liliana's expression carried sullenness instead of the usual calm. While hugging the big plush cat, she sat on her favorite couch in the living room.

The sliding doors of the balcony were opened, allowing the breeze to come in. From a distance, the view of the sparkling surface of the lake could be seen clearly.

It was a good late afternoon of a summer day. But, Liliana couldn't share the same joy as most people.

"Then, how about your maternal side? Do you have no one aside from your mother?"