The Small Yet Uncanny Discovery


After parting ways with Liliana and Shaelyn earlier, Talia immediately headed home. An assistant of hers, Miss Tang was already waiting there with two more people. They came from a science institute.

"Welcome back, Third Young Miss," Miss Tang greeted Talia. Her action was followed by the two people.

"Wait here. I'm going to change first," said Talia to them. She hurried to her bedroom.

Once Talia was clad in her silk night robe, she immediately returned to where the three of them were waiting for her. She didn't have time to catch her breath.

"What do you need from me? My hair?"

Talia threw the question to the two women. They were wearing professional suits with the institute logo embossed on their left chests. One of them was holding a bulky briefcase.

"That will do. But, let us take a swab of your inner cheek too," said the one with the briefcase.

Nodding her head, Talia agreed, "Alright."