The Booklet Held The Truth

Why was it so hard to breathe?

Why was she kept away from such a cruel truth?

"Haa... haa..."

"M-miss! Don't run! It's dangerous!"

Liliana held back from crying out loud. She rushed out of the cab as soon as she arrived at Misty Vale Sanatorium. The worried cab driver shouted, reminding her to be careful.

The bright sunlight pierced through her eyes blurred by tears. In a hurry, Liliana didn't return the words of concern from the driver and the greeting she got from the passing staff.

Everyone who saw her was shocked to see how red Liliana's eyes were. Her face was also flushed with tears rolling down her cheeks. A few strands of her deep wine hair were stuck to her damp face.

Mom... Mom... Mom!

I want to see you!


Liliana slid open the door rashly. The sound echoed loudly. Her action surprised Mrs. Li who was currently massaging Cassia's limbs.