I've Been Stubborn Old Man, Aren't I?


Exhaling a sigh, Talia started doing a couple of stretches. She had just returned from visiting the Sparkllure branch in the city. There, she engaged in a short and interesting discussion with a few customers.

Standing opposite the floor-to-ceiling windows, Talia threw her gaze outside. Her eyes wandered from the skyscrapers towering over the other buildings and the clear summer sky.

This city was still so foreign to Talia but, this was also the place her grandfather dearly missed. Coming here helped her to reconnect with her roots and culture.

"En... I wonder if Grandpa has woken up or not."

Spinning on her heels, Talia turned around and made her way to the couch. She slumped listlessly on the three-seater one. Taking out her personal phone, her eyes glanced at the little digital clock.

One in the afternoon. It should be around seven over there.