Go And Meet Him

Nancy and Nadia already cursed out loud when Liliana had just reached the middle of the story. By the end of it, more profanities came out of her friends' mouths over what they had just heard.

"That man just let people slander your mom?! When he's the one who pursued her nonstop from the beginning?"

"Lili! Get your granduncle's help! Don't show your father any mercy!"

Nancy and Nadia's reaction was already expected by Liliana but, seeing them being so angry made her laugh.

"Lili, don't laugh!" Nancy was more frustrated right now compared to when Nadia told her story earlier, "Do everything you can to avenge your mom!"

"Huh, if only we can castrate that man," Nadia scoffed, her mind imagining the worst possible punishment for Thomas, "Not only he divorced your mom in less than four months. He didn't even treat you like his daughter."