Improvement In Their Lives

The last time Lucas saw Linda was in early summer during the time he assisted his mother and younger brother to catch their adulterous father for good. That event happened a few months ago.

After that, they were not in contact anymore. Lucas only heard the news of his mother and father from Kevin. 

Even though Lucas noticed the minor changes in the way Linda treated him before they parted on that day, he still couldn't bring himself to act friendly with her. He was unable to handle the awkwardness.

But, now...

Lucas moved his eyes away from the sky. Bringing his gaze down, he looked at his mother who was sitting next to him. They were currently at the park, occupying one of the benches.

"How are you, Mother?"

Those words stiffly flowed out of Lucas' mouth but, he didn't want to continue being in silence. The quietness almost suffocated him.