You're Free To Resent Me

Liliana led Dylan to the room next door. It could be used as a dressing or waiting room for the special guests. She gestured at him to sit on the couch near the balcony.

"Have everyone left?" asked Liliana without implying clearly. She walked toward the balcony.

"Yes... Everyone has gone back to the hotel," responded Dylan, his voice was so low, "I'll call for a cab later."

Liliana pursed her lips, trying not to let guilt overtake her heart because of how Dylan appeared right now.

Instead of regretting her choice that let people ridicule the Xin family, she only felt bad toward her half-brother who got caught in the crossfire. 

"You must have so many questions, right?" said Liliana while opening the French doors. The incoming breeze blew passing the curtains.


Dylan's voice cracked as he replied to Liliana. His gaze wandered from the vacant couch opposite him to Liliana.