Focusing On Struggling Single-Parent Families

"Fourth Young Miss, you look so cheery ah. Smiling like a flower blooming."

Mr. Chi's words caused Liliana to burst out laughing. Lightly covering her mouth, she looked at the middle-aged man's joyful expression through the rearview mirror.

"Hehe, just so happy today. Mr. Chi, you look practically glowing! Did you buy some books?"

Mr. Chi guffawed at Liliana's remark. He proudly stated, "Yes! I haven't had much fun like today. I think I should visit the book cafe often. Still, the library is the best."

Throughout the ride back to the Azureville Cliffs, Liliana asked Mr. Chi to share about his love of reading. She hadn't known him much thus, she took this chance to learn. After all, he was one of the good staff at the mansion.

Elated by the interest shown by Liliana, Mr. Chi pulled out at all stops. He started by saying his late parents instilled the value in him and his siblings. They had quite a huge library back at home.