Heading To The Guan Spouses' Residence

Following Old Master Ding's wish, Liliana and Talia headed to Old Master Guan and his wife's residence in the capital the next day.

They could just simply call the Guan spouses because the gathering would be a short one. But, the cousins decided to meet them face to face.

Liliana and Talia went there before ten in the morning. Old Master Guan and Old Madam Guan were already informed of their coming through Ms Tan. Tension shrouded in the air between the cousins.

"Haa... I hope I won't get mad at them when we talk soon."

Talia's strained voice broke the uncomfortable silence in the car. Liliana glanced at her cousin, she unconsciously clasped her hands together.

"We're the same," replied Liliana quietly. A frown marred her forehead, "We surely can't fake smiling. I don't have the mood for that."