Chapter 3

Towering over the two beat-up students was none other than the same Employee from yesterday, who Luó Xiang had pinned his wrist against the counter. The young master flinched at how roughly he handled the students but shook his head, they were all hooligans.

Teacher Lee, who stood beside him chewed on her lower lip, lost in thought over who this man was, and why she had never crashed into him in the break room.

"Han-gene! Why did you hit me?!" Feng Yi cried out, covering his cheek with his palm.

Han Zixuan sent him a sharp glare, "who the hell are you calling Gege?! I thought I told you to call me teacher!" he scolded, landing another punch to Feng Yi!

The girls laughed in the most unladylike manner, Gu Ai finally stopped seeing stars and stood up, he had taken more blows from Feng Yi than he had given and could barely stand up.

Han Zixuan took a sweep of the class, he sighed in relief when his eyes landed on a boy sitting by the window, sketching something into his sketchpad.

"Chen Fenhua," he called out, the boy cocked his head at him and sent him a questioning stare.

All the girls started to squeal as though it were their first time seeing their classmate, Luó Xiang used his palms to block his ears,

"Take these two to the nurse's office." Han Zixuan said, the boy frowned, "why does it have to be me?" he Sharply replied, having no regard for his teacher's presence.

Han Zixuan gave him a square look, "you're the only one who'll come back that's why." he answered him, his eyes hinting he was speaking from experience.

Chen Fenhua gracefully alighted the window with both hands in his pockets he marched over to both students, battered with bruises. He hissed then crouched down to help them, tossing both their arms over his shoulders.

Displaying his strength he supported both classmates and staggered over to the door, teacher Lee and Luó Xiang both stepped back.

As Chen Fenhua walked past, he noticed a pale beauty with pink lips standing next to him from the corner of his eyes. And for a split second, he felt his chest tighten and lost his concentration.

Due to this split moment of mesmerization, his body slanted to the left, allowing Gu Ai to slip from his support and tumble sideways, crashing directly onto Luó Xiang!

Chen Fenhua noticed this collision two seconds before it happened and let go of Feng Yi, he reached for the beauty's waist, intending to wrap his arm around it, breaking her fall.


Gu Ai fell face flat to the floor, same went for Feng Yi who didn't understand why he was tossed aside.

Luó Xiang felt his back pressed against something hard, he sheepishly looked above only to lock eyes with a warm pair of brown eyes, staring intently at him. The hand that was wrapped across his shoulders, keeping him in place belonged to none other than his teacher!

Han Zixuan.

Teacher Lee gasped!

Luó Xiang who didn't take a liking to being touched casually pushed the teacher's hand away and pulled away from his grip. He sent a sharp glare at his teacher, but the taller man just smirked back.

Chen Fenhua who was certain that he was the closest to saving her, wondered how the teacher had been a second quicker than him.

"Feng Yi! Gu Ai! The last one to get to the sick bay will stay back and help me prepare lesson notes." Han Zixuan threatened, using the only thing that frightened his students.

School work.

The two troublemakers who could barely stand on their own two feet took their heels, running down the halls, the determination to not stay back written on their faces.

"Chen Fenhua, make sure they don't jump over the fence and go to the arcade," he instructed, the youngster scoffed and shoved his hands back into his pockets.

He turned to leave but stole one more glance at the beauty, his gaze landed on her red tracksuit pants. Finding it amusing he pulled his lips back into a half smile then jogged away to catch up to the others.

"Little lady, what are you doing so far away from home?" the teacher asked, looking directly at Luó Xiang.

Teacher Lee stood in front of the young Miss, blocking Han Zixuan's gaze. "She's an exchange student, and will be joining your class starting today," she said, folding her arms across her chest.

"Listen here, she's here under the principal's recommendation, do you understand?" she sternly stated, already fawning over the young miss, hoping to curry favor with the principal.

"Is that so?" The expression on the teacher's face was hard to read, but overall it spelled no one was more pleased than him.

Luó Xiang felt a chill run down his spine whenever this man stared at him like he was a slice of cake.

"New student?"

"At this time? Are they some sort of genius?"

"Don't be foolish! Why would they bring a genius to class F?"

The students who hadn't even seen their new classmates had already started to break into groups and form their opinions. Luó Xiang clicked his tongue, he would rather be sipping soda in his bedroom, or at best at an internet cafe.

Han Zixuan walked into the class and almost immediately everyone fell silent, "why are you all just standing around? Place the desks back and prepare for the first period!"

The boys grumbled but still set to work, taking out their desks from the stacked pile. While they arranged the desks, the girls sauntered over to their teacher, flocking him like sheep.

One said, "Teacher look at my new brand of nail polish, isn't it pretty?"

Another pushed her aside and brandished her phone, "Teacher look here, I just got thirty new followers, let's exchange WeChat."

Luó Xiang rolled his eyes, 'does he think he's an idol?' he grimaced, already taking a strong dislike to this Sketchy teacher.

"Young Miss, are you certain that you want to be a part of this class?" Teacher Lee asked once more.

Luó Xiang contemplated the idea for a second, living his life from the comfort of his room had both its advantages and disadvantages. If he had to choose between being in a class of mannered elites or schooling with ruffians, the former was more appealing than the latter.

He was well aware of the secret he was hiding and knew someone like him being transferred to class A would draw unnecessary attention to himself. But if he was placed in such a low-ranking class, no one would pay him any heed.

"Yes," he said in final affirmation and turned to leave, taking his first real step into the place he would soon come to regard differently.