Chapter 6

Luó Xiang who spent most of his life up until now as a shut-in had never once attended school, in his younger days the head of family had the twins home schooled. He walked across the halls aimlessly, searching for the restrooms.

The classes in block 2 were all in the gym, which was why the halls were empty at that time. Luó Xiang had ascended and descended the stairs multiple times, searched around but couldn't find the restrooms.

Just as he was about to try going to the other blocks, he ran into a group of boys, ganging up on a smaller boy, who had on round glasses that fell on the bridge of his nose.

"I thought I asked you to come to block B with the cigarettes! What hole did you crawl into?" one of them asked, slamming his clenched fist against the door, missing the smaller boy's face by a hair.

He jolted where he stood, paralysed in shock that these delinquents could have found him so quickly.

The cornered student caught a pale young miss walking by the hall, and was immediately bewitched by her charms. Something about her strong and elegant features gave him strength he never knew he could muster.

"If you don't back off now, i'll report you to the teacher, Weidong!" the boy with noodle like arms challenged, running his mouth with so much confidence, his masculinity seeping out in the face of danger.

'He sounds confident, there's no need for me to stick around, not that I care.' Luó Xiang concluded, inwardly hoping this underdog had even strength to back up his words.

"Look at this worm! Someone live stream this! I'll definitely get more fans if I dunk his head into the toilet." The ring leader Weidong said, his cohorts quickly took out their phones and brandished them at him.

Luó Xiang rolled his eyes, thinking, 'how obvious can they be? To bully someone so openly?' he shrugged his shoulders then turned to leave, unconcerned with the outcome of highschool bullying.

As he walked away, the boy with round glasses felt his world crash into a hundred pieces! The sole reason he wanted to show off was just going to walk away?!

He felt cheated, how dare this fairy not interfere or at least call for help? The scrawny student curled his fingers into a fist, determined to teach her a lesson.

"Why are you walking away? Weren't you the one who said you'd back me up?!" He cried out, luring Weidong's attention from him to the moving definition of elegance, wearing red sport pants.

Luó Xiang who would have never thought that boy was referring to him continued walking past. However, the malicious boy wasn't done with him.

"Are you going to ignore me?! I was late with the cigarettes because you made me run errands for you." He announced, sprouting more lies.

"Oi. Shu-hui! Who the hell are you talking to?" Weidong asked, looking behind him, perhaps searching for an intimidating person such as himself. Only to find a pretty girl standing behind, an uninterested expression on her face.

"It's her! She was the one who asked me to run errands! If anyone is to blame then it's her." He spat out, telling such bold lies with a straight face.

Luó Xiang continued walking forward, he chuckled in his head, feeling sorry for the poor girl who was getting involved in such a mess.

"You there! Come over here!" Weidong calls out, pulling away from Shu-hui, he approaches Luó Xiang, and blocks his way, a reckless grin drawn across his face.

"Didn't you hear me call out to you beauty?" His friends circle around her, allowing the spineless Shu-hui to make his escape.

"Sorry fairy, but I still want to live long." He says, taking to his heels to call for a teacher to back up the helpless flower.

Luó Xiang at first thought that these guys were only messing with him and tried to walk past them. But when Weidong pushed back his shoulders, causing him to fall on his ass, he knew they were serious.

Weidong lowered into a squat, drinking in the young master's features, a satisfactory grin plastered across his face.

"I don't usually get rough with girls, that was a warning not to get involved with my lackeys. Understand?" He reached out to tuck a loose strand of hair behind Luó Xiang's ear.


With gritted teeth, he slaps away Weidong's hand, "don't touch me." He warns, glaring at Weidong with no emotion in his eyes.

He attempts to stand up but is pushed back again by Weidong, only this time his friends intervene by holding the young master's wrist.

"Brother, her skin is so soft and she smells so good. Those other bitches can't compare." One of his cohorts says, shamelessly groping Luó Xiang's hand.

The young master clicks his tongue, "you're digging a grave too deep." He tells them, meaning every single word. Weidong laughs off his threat and cups his chin in his hands, staring at his fiery eyes.

"I like a strong woman, tell me your name and class."

Luó Xiang scoffs, "I don't date men missing an eye."

Before Weidong could even react, Luó Xiang raises his leg and in his current position sends a straight kick to Weidong's face, hitting his left eye, sending him flying!

Stunned, his cohorts let go of him and hurry over to their leader, who is screeching in pain, holding onto his wounded eye.

"Bitch! My eye! I can't see! It fucking hurts! Help! Aah!" Weidong cried out without reservation, furiously kicking those around him in a panicked frenzy.

"Tch." Luó Xiang hissed, gathering his things scattered across the ground. He walks past them down the stairs, convinced that there's no sane person at this highschool.

"Find that bitch! I'll rip off her hair and teach her a lesson!" Weidong ordered, still holding his eye, the pain has lessened and he's able to stand up straight.

His confused companions are frozen, they still couldn't believe that someone could stand up to their brother, and at that it was a girl!

"Don't just stand there! Go fucking find out who she is and where she lives!" Weidong roared, dispatching his so called friends, his fist angrily slammed against the bathroom door.

"That bitch is going to suffer severely." He resolved, fighting back the pain in his left eye.