16: The slave house

"Ah, excuse me while I make a trip to the washroom. My ladies can enjoy their meal in the meantime. I'll be back.in.a.minute."

Their guide Joseph made a fast retreat soon enough after hearing Amane's words. She did not doubt that the shock factor she had forced down the guide's throat had something to do with this.

Usually, Amane would not have played around with their guide like this. But something about that over-confident face and that flirty expression made Amane want to show the man his place.

"Yoko, was it really necessary to get that man's hopes up? You could have shot the man down in the usual fashion."

Sakura's disapproving and disgusted expression was funny as well. That alone made this prank worth pulling.

"What's the harm in pulling a small prank like this? I had a feeling that our dear guide would not have given up even if I shot him down so I decided to play along. Wasn't it funny how to man ran away so fast as soon as he realized my true colors?"

And Amane was sure that the man had realized what Yoko had been doing. No one stayed in the guide business long enough and did not learn to read people.

If the guide was smart, he would not try to run away from Amane. And if he did, then that would be the last thing he would ever do.

"Still, you need to consider your position. Do you want rumors about you to spreading around? People like Joseph usually have connections with the upper class. You'll get alienated."

Oh, Amane did not doubt that it would happen sooner or later.

People will try to force Amane into a corner and make use of her. The upper-class circle was not for the weak-willed.

But Amane was not naive enough to believe that having a 'good' reputation alone would save her.

"I don't care about being alienated. People will naturally flock to those who have power anyway. The only way to keep the public on your side is to gain more power."

Being nice and gentle could allow you to pull some people toward yourself but to keep them there, one needed power.

Amane knew better than anyone else what being powerless but nice meant in this world. She had only been able to protect her loved ones in her previous life because she held her power until the end.

Had she been powerless, she would have had no value in the end.

"Anyway, our guide seemed to have made a decision."

Their guide came back out with a white face. Amane was more than sure that he had heard their entire conversation.

After all, this was why he had left the small radio device under his seat. Amane had been more than aware of it but she had chosen to let their guide listen in on her conversation.

This way, the man knew not to cross Amane if he valued his life.

"Ah, Mister Joseph, it is nice of you to join us back at our table. Would you care for some tea? Or some treats?"

The man eyed the treats as if they contained poison. Amane could see the calculations flashing behind the man's eyes on whether to trust her or not.

Frankly speaking, Amane did not want the man's trust. She just wanted his cooperation at any given time.

"Ah, I'm afraid that my stomach is a little sensitive today so I'll have to decline. But if my ladies need more time to enjoy their supper, then I can wait around."

The man finally decided to be careful and not to try and impress Amane at the first chance he got.

'He's a smart one. He knows that flattery would not get him anywhere.' Smart people like Jospeh were useful and annoying at the same time.

But as much as Amane wanted to test Jospeh more and play around, she was on a tight schedule. She had a brawl to participate in the evening and she could not miss that.

"I am done here as well. What about you Sakura? Do I need to wait around for you to finish?"

"No. I'm done as well. We can ask the restaurant to pack the leftovers and we can take them with us. Excuse me, I would like to pay and-"

Sakura went ahead to make the necessary arrangements. It did not take long for the waiter to come back with their packed leftover food.

It was a lot for a pair to take along so Amane decided to hand some over to their startling guide.

"Here, you can have some as well. Think of it as a gift to cement our friendship."

Their startled guide had no other choice but to take the offered food but Amane saw him throwing it away the first chance he got.

'He's trying to be careful but Jospeh is too pitiful. But I will let him off the hook this time.'

Amane had a lot she could use to tease the poor man with but letting things go for now was a good choice on her part.

They were finally standing in front of the slave house and their guide went in alone to make preparations.

Standing this close to the door, it did look like a high-end hotel rather than a slave house. It was a brilliant idea to hide such a place in the public eye like this.

"Joseph threw the food away. Did we have to offer it to him like that? Yoko, I can't figure out what you are thinking. Isn't reputation important in the upper circles?"

Sakura's complaint was a given. The younger girl had been throwing Amane weird glances this whole time.

"Reputation is something that will change with time. People won't look twice at how scary you are if you are useful to them. Besides, I am just trying to cut off on the flies I will have to deal with in a few days."

"Huh? Would that work out in your favor? You will just drive those few people who are willing to approach you away if you worsen your reputation."

Amane just shook her head at Sakura's native thoughts. The younger girl did not understand what game Amane was playing.

Those in the upper circle would either see Amane as easy prey or an opportunity. It would not matter what kind of reputation Amane beforehand.

It would only matter what kind of results she could show.

And if that was going to be the case, then Amane would like to do what she wanted to in the meantime.

"Our entry had been approved. You will have to take a binding vow to not release any information about this place to an outsider and then you can enter."

Their guide led the pair toward the side room. The room only had a caster inside when Amane entered.

He gave them a blank stare and asked the pair to sit down in front of his desk. The rest of the room did look shady with all the magical enchantments that were in the place.

"I hope you do not try anything funny with us. I am not someone who forgives and forgets easily."

Amane's warning gave the caster a pause. She was sure that the caster was having a silent conversation with their guide about what to do next.

Sakura might not have noticed it but there was a subtle smell in the air that belonged to the relaxing incense. The room also had a lot of binding spells that could be used to render someone useless in a matter of seconds.

But Amane would not need seconds to dispatch these two people and break out. She also made sure to show the glean of her hidden blade.

The man in front of them instantly let go of Amane's wrist. She was sure that the message had gotten across to the caster that she was a danger.

The caster did not delay casting the binding vow after that and then the pair was let out of the room after that.

"Well, that went better than I expected things to go. So, where are you taking us next to?"

"Now, we head into the main facility of the house. Whatever you see from here on, you cannot discuss it with anyone else. Even if you try, the seal will not allow you to talk about it with anyone else."

Amane was amused at their guide's confidence. He seemed to have a lot of confidence in the seal's magic holding up.

But Amane knew of a few ways to dissolve the effects of this magic. If one had the assistance of the perfect magical beasts, it was easy to counter certain long-term magics.

"I see. So, when were you going to tell us that your original plan was to sell us off as slaves? The sweet smell in the first room almost clogged my nose. I felt like I would pass out any second."

Amane was not sure before that the man could go any whiter. But he proved Amane wrong by going almost translucent.

"W-What are you talking about? It must be my lady's delusion that made her smell that sweet smell. I didn't smell anything sweet and I'm sure Lady Sakura would agree with me."

Their guide turned toward Sakura, his eyes shining knowingly.

Amane was sure that Sakura had not smelled anything in that room. The smell was too subtle for a normal human nose to pick up.

The only reason Amane had been able to pick it up was that she had trained her senses to work in that manner. It was a necessary skill to track down beasts.

"Now that you mention it, there was a sweet smell in that room back there. So it was not only me who was able to smell that? You picked it up as well, Yoko?"

Sakura might not have picked up any smell but she did have a brain to follow along with Amane.

The man had double the pressure on him now. Amane wanted to know what he would do next. Would he try to please his life? Or would he pretend it never happened?

"My lady, I would never wish any harm on you. I am all but your humble servant, here to help you out."

The man was tense, his eyes seeking out the ceiling and the potential hidden camera in there.

Amane was sure that their party was under surveillance. The slave house would move to detain them if they made any sudden move and their guide knew that as well.

"Fine. I will let you go this time since nothing major happened to us but you better be careful with the people I send here in the future. I am sure you do not want to be a part of an accident in the future."

Amane's words showed that she was willing to drop this topic but not forget about it. Their guide gritted his teeth but he had no other choice but to accept.

The auction house would be a little more careful with Amane in the future and it would also think twice about messing with her.

All in all, the outcome was not as bad as Amane had expected it to be.

And now it was time for the real work to be done.

"How many slaves are in this slave house?"

"4 adults, 8 children, and 1 elderly. We could not risk keeping any more of them in here."

So about 13 people. This was far less than Amane had expected but it will have to do as the starting number.

"Alright, I have decided. I will take them all. Contact other slave houses and get me about a staff of 50-60 people total. They all will be coming with me."

"H-Huh? What did you say?"

"Yoko, you can't be serious? What will we do with so many new people?"

Her guide and Sakura, both looked surprised at Amane's sudden declaration. It was a given since Amane had come out of the blue to say all that.

"What else would they be doing? I am going to replace my whole staff with them. I am sure it will be alright."

Slaves that had been freed by Amane would feel a sense of loyalty to her. If not, then their slave markings would keep them from going against Amane.

Was it an honorable move on her part? Of course not.

Was it a smart move? Of course, it was.

And Amane would better be safe than sorry in her new life. She would train these slaves and turn them into her assets.

The money she spends today will be well worth it in the end.