47: Stay put [pt1]

"Now, let's see how you worked this pendant again. I remember you pressed some kind of key but there is no key on it. Huh, did I remember wrong?"

Darn Amane and her short-term memory. She tended to forget the details of things that were not important. And this small detail had seemed very not-important to her back then. It still seemed to be not important to her if not for the lack of pendent's opening.

The moon dragon was giving Amane a look that said, 'weren't you the one who made it in the first place? How can you not open it?'

And Amane could swear that the moon dragon looked entirely justified to see that expression on the dragon's face.

"Well, excuse me for not remembering how to operate a pendant I made ages ago. It's not like I purposely forgot, alright?"

Amane did not even realize that she was trying to justify her actions until the dragon chipped in annoyance and knocked the pendant out of Amane's hands.