50: Have Mercy [pt2]

"Looks like these people were not the ones we were looking for. They have no valuable information available. What should we do now?"

As much as Aqua wanted to rest, she also felt like she needed to crack this case. She had spent too much time and effort on this case to not feel like she was connected to it.

"Ugh, so much effort wasted on chasing petty clowns. Let's go back to the settlement for now. I am sure our friends are in trouble with the local guardian already."

'They're what now? Why do I not even feel surprised about this?'

Aqua was getting used to Lady Suzuki's weird habits and way of speaking. Aqua had managed to understand her in a matter of hours.

To waste all this effort on her own and then complain about it. This was just so much like Lady Suzuki that even commenting would be a waste of time.