62: A nightly intruder [pt1]

"Someone gets Sakura and Eclipse for me as soon as possible. And, no one is allowed to come to my side of the building until I specify that they are allowed to, alright? Hurry up and tell this to all the servants."

As soon as Amane arrived at her building, she ordered the servants to carry out this order. 

She knew she would not be questioned because most of the servants in her quarters were loyal to her. She had made sure of that when she had hired them after all.

Amane had decided to leave Moony with the poison drake for the time being while she planned for tonight and the next few nights.

"My lady. Both people you want to meet have arrived."

It did not even take fifteen minutes for the servants to carry out their order and arrange this meeting. 

And then they secured the perimeters.