132: The plan to uncover the death [pt1]

"Don't you dare touch her!"

Pupilless black eyes looked back at the female in front of her with pitiful yet curious eyes. The half-phoenix could feel emotions rolling off the divine leader.

Much of what she felt was all tangled up into each other so it was impossible to tell exactly what Charlie Suzuki felt at that moment. But one thing was clear to Ariana - Charlie's feelings were strong enough to make her act out.

"Hmm, even if you ask me not to touch your precious person, my duty is something I need to see through. I am afraid I cannot follow through with your request."

A phoenix did not have a lot of emotional range due to its half-bestial nature. The one who had understood it the best had been Amane. And that was why Amane had been so dear to Ariana.

'I wonder how you out turn out to be, the owner of this familiar energy. Would you be kind and understanding? Or cruel and angry?'