229: In the middle of the forest

Amane did not bother saying goodbye to Derek and the dragon he was hosting inside his young body. Amane had a feeling that she would meet them both again soon.

"So, are we going to perform the spell out in the open? Would it be safe for us to do?"

Sakura sounded worried but it was because she did not know how magic was performed beyond her instincts. It was something Amane would have to work with her later.

"Don't worry. Everything is safe and then magic will not have any lasting side-effects."

Amane assured Sakura before she opened the bottle. She poured the whole thing on the ground and waited for it to dissolve. Then, she used her aura to shape the spell she wanted to cast.

The earth beneath Amane's feet glowed a golden colour before it formed a thin line leading up into the deeper forest.

"Let's head out."