272: Human touch [pt1] R-18

"Yoko, what are you doing? Don't you want to get fucked hard by me?"

Sakura asked as she subtly tried to break the restraints on her arm. She looked up at Amane with an innocent expression but her mind was going through all she wanted to do to the elder in front of her.

Sakura's false innocence did not fool Amane. She continued to look at Sakura with a calm expression before looking down at her hard cock. Despite Sakura saying things, her body liked the position it was in.

"Oh, you want me to let you go? Hmm, but I am not in the mood to tolerate you right now. All I want for you is to keep lying there while I take what I want from you."

Amane patted Sakura's belly before taking her hard cock in her hand. It jumped at the slightest touch and was standing at attention already, tenting Sakura's skirt.