280: Offending someone is easy [pt3]

'Well, this should be easy. Rumors say that Charlie Suzuki likes Yoko so I should easily be able to seduce the divine leader as well. After all, I am better looking and much more proactive in bed compared to Yoko.'

Crescenta was a boastful teenager who was raised with all the love and care in the world. She had been spoilt rotten by her grandfather and had never lacked anything.

This had extended to her life outside of her family as well, especially when she and Yoko had been in the same vicinity. She had always been the more outspoken and social one of the two.

She had heard the rumors that said that Yoko had changed but she did not believe those rumors too much.

'Hah, if Lady Suzuki can like a loser like Yoko, then I am sure that she would fall in love with me soon as well. I will show her what she is missing by choosing someone like Yoko over me.'