288: Isn't it better to select the 'best' [pt2] R-18

From the scientific point of view, what Professor Cardin said made a lot of sense. Charlie was the best person Amane knew when it came to powerful partners. 

And Amane had spent a few nights with Charlie as well. But hearing the professor speak like this made her annoyed. She wanted to stop listening to him but Cardin did not catch the subtle hints Amane was throwing his way.

"Of course, the best way to ensure prosperity for you would be to go at it with multiple partners. I wonder if this is something you are interested in. I have heard that humans are mostly monogamous creatures. But maybe someone like you…"

Amane slammed her hand against the bathroom door and it broke from the strength of her fist. Professor Cardin flinched once he saw the display of strength in front of him.