346: The night of nightmare [pt1]

A small headache was building up behind Amane's temple and she rubbed to get rid of it. She knew that the elder beast was trying to get a rise out of her, and somehow, it seemed to be working.

'I should just sleep all this annoyance off. Once I wake up, I am sure I will feel much better.'

It did not help Amane that she had just woke up from a long sleep. She wanted to sleep more and forget all about her troubles.

What she forgot to consider was one important thing. Dreams reflected reality. There was a likely chance that Amane would not be able to escape her demons in her sleep as well.

But it was certainly hopeful for her to wish for a chance for escape. Amane closed her eyes and the cloud of dreams instantly surrendered her.


The serene landscape that surrounded Amane was familiar and never-changing. The lush green had a pink hue to it and the clear valley had a sweet smell.