354: I oppose to this [pt1]

Once that ordeal was over, it was time for Amane to head home. She had been ignoring the mountain of messages sent by Sherina. (She refused to call that woman 'mother')

Sherina had been calling Yoko back so that the meeting to discuss her engagement with Chen could be forwarded and be over with.

Even if she had no intentions of proceeding with the marriage, Amane did know the importance of an important political match. And that was why she decided to oblige Sherina this time.

"Sakura, pack everything as fast as you can. We need to head back home."

Amane reminded Sakura and her cousin looked as if she had been expecting this order. The one who was surprised by Amane's swift actions was Kelly. She the younger female had a sad look on her face.

"Yoko, do you have to go back so soon? I wanted to talk with you more and get to know you. I felt as if we had chemistry and we could become more than friends."