387: Searching the rift [pt1]

"Chen, when did you say your friend would visit us? I want to meet them soon. Waiting around for good things to happen is different from my style. I want to invite your friend for a meeting soon."

Father's words were not questioned, but for Chen to hurry up and invite Yoko Tsurugi for dinner. Chen had everything planned out inside his head, but it would need a lot of changes now.

'Father looks impatient today. I wonder what is wrong with her. Should I ask her? Would father reply to my worries?'

It was tough to judge Kori's mood. So, Chen decided to withdraw his concerns and allow Kori to do as she wished. If Father wanted to invite Yoko to dinner, then that was what Chen would do.

Chen would have to hurry his plan so he would stay caught up. He had one chance left. 

"I will send a message to Sherina Tsurugi and confirm the arrangements. As far as I know, Yoko is away, and no one would tell me where she went either. Should I investigate this?"